Renaissance Naturalist

BY THE NUMBERS – BTN -in Nebraska, every 25 miles traveled west receives 1-inch less of rain -in 1830 when Vice-Admiral Robert Fitzroy captained his ship, the Beagle, through the Magellan Straits of South America, fewer than 1.2 billion people inhabited Earth....great horned owlets at GCP April 2020
adult owl watches over fluffy owlets in nest owlet trying out flight wings but ended up on tree stump maturing owlets at dusk owlet day before they fledged and moved on to new quarters
Birds – birds – and Birds
It’s April – it’s weird weather – and it’s migration time. Ring-billed gulls attacking grader… Ring-billed gulls WIN! Great Horned with fluff baby Yellow-headed blackbirds Eastern towhee pushed in by freak snow Red Fox Sparrows...
Monarchs ready for MigrationThe monarchs are hanging like leaves in evening light at GCP – swarming and waiting for those perfect conditions – sunlight and a north wind – time to ride the thermals …